22nd Century
Charles Kerr
22nd Century is a fortnightly series where Charles Kerr chats to a special guest about different emerging technologies that seem far off but could potentially have big impacts for us in today’s world. Through chatting with experts in a range of industries we’ll uncover the next greatest technological marvels, debunk certain myths and discover the implications on our society and way of life over the next 100 years.
Categoria: Tecnologia
Ascolta l'ultimo episodio:
On today’s 22nd Century episode I spoke with Elin, from Aparito. Aparito use a combination of wearable technology and smartphone apps to help in the real-time collection of patient data to assist with disease monitoring outside of the hospital. We talk about the existing solutions to the problem, why Aparito is needed, what diseases they monitor, and the potential impact of the technology in changing peoples lives.
Episodi precedenti
6 - Aparito: Using wearable tech to assist with disease monitoring outside the hospital Fri, 29 Mar 2019
5 - OKRA: AI HealthTech Fri, 15 Mar 2019
4 - Scribeless: Writing handwritten letters using robots. Fri, 01 Mar 2019
3 - Pavegen: Is smart flooring the next step in renewable energy generation? Fri, 15 Feb 2019
2 - Chirp: A new way of transporting data through sound waves Fri, 01 Feb 2019
1 - Growing Underground: The Future of Farming? Thu, 17 Jan 2019