Metal Express diretta
Metal Express
Accept - London Leatherboys

London Leatherboys

Accept 23 hours ago
Existance - Legends Never Die

Legends Never Die

Existance 23 hours ago
Bullet Train Blast - I'm Insane

I'm Insane

Bullet Train Blast 23 hours ago
Lost Horizon - Heart of Storm

Heart of Storm

Lost Horizon 23 hours ago
Lynch Mob - Sweet Sister Mercy

Sweet Sister Mercy

Lynch Mob 23 hours ago
Eyes (SE) - Until The End Of Time

Until The End Of Time

Eyes (SE) 23 hours ago
Hammers of Misfortune - The Dragon Is Summoned

The Dragon Is Summoned

Hammers of Misfortune 23 hours ago
Dark Secret - Patriarchs Of Science

Patriarchs Of Science

Dark Secret 23 hours ago
Blaze Bayley - Futureal


Blaze Bayley 23 hours ago
The Screamin' Lords - Fire In the Blue Sky

Fire In the Blue Sky

The Screamin' Lords 23 hours ago
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Metal Express diretta

Categoria:  Metal

Frequenze Metal Express

Oslo: Online

Canzoni più ascoltate

Ultimi 7 giorni:

1. S.P.I.T - Play It Foul

2. Jackalopes - Motley Crue

3. Grand Magus - Skybound

4. Drowning Pool - REVOLUTION (The Final Amen)

5. The Halo Effect - Detonate

6. Brimstone - Doctor Of Spin

7. D-A-D - Keep That Mother Down

8. Dark Secret - Patriarchs Of Science

9. Mastodon - Floods of Triton

10. A&D - Waiting

Ultimi 30 giorni:

1. Grand Magus - Skybound

2. Mastodon - Floods of Triton

3. Jerry Cantrell - Vilified

4. Turbokill - Turbokill

5. Aries Descendant - Oblivion

6. Jack Slamer - Lust & Sins

7. S.P.I.T - Play It Foul

8. Van War - Evan after the Pain

9. No-Mad - Don't Let Go

10. Knightsune - Under One Sound


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